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Index card 007 - Books about books
So Many Books by Gabriel Zaid

Gabriel Zaid is the last Mexican writer. He must be 88 by now and has never collaborated with any academic institution or accepted a state grant. There are no pictures of him; he's convinced that a writer must be known only through words. He has published more than fifty books that include poetry and essays. He has also been translated into over a dozen languages. Owner of a sharp eye, an educated tongue, and a huge heart, Zaid is committed to the world; his work is packed with proposals to fight poverty and create economic growth. His disconnection from public institutions grants him an objective voice that transcends time and allows him to give a powerful critique of Mexico and Latin America's political reality. And yet he's prose is so simple. He displays erudition without pedantry.

After years of reading his books, I almost feel like I know him. His voice has become familiar in my head, and his words frequently resonate inside me. Gabriel (as I said, I feel I know him) is a reader above everything else. And like all readers, he's eager to share the pleasure of reading.

So Many Books is a book about books. It is a love letter to the lonely pleasure of reading and a reminder of what books genuinely mean and how they affect our lives.

"What does it matter how cultivated and up-to-date we are, or how many thousands of books we've read? What matters is how we feel, how we see, what we do after reading."

If you are a reader, a book lover, a writer, or a zine enthusiast, Zaid will be waiting for you with his pages open. I feel envious if it's your first encounter with So Many Books, and I suggest you stop whatever you're doing and start reading.

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A book can also exist as an autonomous and self-sufficient form, including perhaps a text that emphasizes that form, a text that is an organic part of that form: here begins the new art of making books. (Ulises Carrion)

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