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Against the waves

Anaïs Abreu D’argence

On March 28, 1941, Virginia Woolf filled the pockets and inside cover of her coat with stones and walked into the River Ouse, near her home in Sussex. Years before she had written: “Against you, I will fling myself, unvanquished and unyielding, O Death! The waves broke upon the shore”

The artist Anaïs Abreu creates a tridimensional experience of Woolf’s words, baring them down and guiding the way back to ourselves.

Bilingual. Handmade. Hand-bound. Only 5 pieces made.

La Dieresis Editorial Artesanal, 2019

A book can also exist as an autonomous and self-sufficient form, including perhaps a text that emphasizes that form, a text that is an organic part of that form: here begins the new art of making books. (Ulises Carrion)

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