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Handmade by Alan Sobrino
Errant Press, 2020


Set of four books
Made in Mexico & USA

Matchbook is a collection of four intense personal poems regarding Alan Sobrino’s relationship with fire: Fires, Four Teeth, Self-portrait 33, and Self-portrait 34. Through this book, fire becomes a poetic extension, and vice versa; poetics becomes flammable.

The set includes four matchbooks, each with a different poem handbound to the inside. The books are bilingual: the original Spanish text and its English translation.

Every matchbook includes fifteen recycled cardboard matches with handpainted faces. The match-characters scream, “Burn me/ Quémame.” You can burn your house, light a candle or use the matches to read the book in a dark place.

Alan Sobrino was born in Mexico City and recently moved to Los Angeles, CA. He started writing at a young age, and it has been a consistent practice throughout his life. In 2019, he began Errant Press as a self-publication project while living in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico.

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Errant Press publishes and supports bilingual books that explore the possibilities between content and containers.

A book can also exist as an autonomous and self-sufficient form, including perhaps a text that emphasizes that form, a text that is an organic part of that form: here begins the new art of making books. (Ulises Carrion)

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