Anarchy explained to children by José Antonio Emanuel
Like all kids, I used to interrogate my dad with my multiple doubts about the world, from the color of the sky to the shape of the rocks. Despite not knowing the answers, he always had some books on his bookshelf that guided me. I was maybe 13 or 14 years old when I asked him why we need police? why do we need a state? My dad mumbled an answer but eventually admitted: we don’t. This was a breaking point in my life as I started imagining a different reality. He kindly gave me this book, saying it was a little outdated, but it could help me.
Anarchy Explained to Children is a book written in the 1930s by a Spanish Anarchist, José Antonio Emanuel. He made this book to help the Spanish workers answer the question: how will we teach our kids? State education usually works to satisfy a model, excluding anything that is not profitable. Anarchists don’t rely on schools to teach their children about the essential things in life; they rely on books, community, and experience. Anarchy is based on collaborative principles like helping others in need, supporting your neighbors, or imitating the beautiful. These principles have nothing to do with the usual chaos connotation given to Anarchy.
From experience, I also think it’s very important to teach our kids to work as a community, not competing but collaborating. Still, at this age, I go through this book every now and then to remember how easy it is to create Anarchy and how beautiful it is: harmony, peace, collaboration, and hope are some of the values behind this philosophy. You don’t have to bite anyone for a piece of this world; we can just share it.
Honoring the Chicago martyrs I wanted to share this beautiful book to keep our dream alive: a world that fits all worlds. Download a free copy of this bilingual, illustrated book, courtesy of an international community of critical thinkers.