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Errant Press publishes and supports bilingual books from LATAM artists that challenge the traditional form and reading dynamics.

Cinta para Medir (Measuring Tape)
Alan Sobrino

In this poem, Alan Sobrino proposes to measure reality with verses, not inches or centimeters.

"It's a human error to forget that poetry
makes reality"

"es un error humano olvidar que la poesía
hace la realidad"

Screen-printed yellow ribbon with metallic tips. One side contains the original poem in Spanish, and the other the English translation. The length is 30 love verses. The book comes in an acrylic container.

Errant Press, 2023

Molotov or The Sleep of the Reason Produces Monsters
Alan Sobrino

An incendiary artistic exploration of the complex relationship between money and society. Delving deep into the history of currency, this piece is a stark reminder of the inherently artificial nature of money itself. From its origins to its modern-day manifestations, a detailed timeline sheds light on the counterfeit nature inherent in all monetary systems.

At its core, 'Molotov' presents a bold proposition: a call to action to dismantle the capitalist paradigm. It offers an ideological Molotov bomb, challenging viewers to confront the structures that govern our economic reality. 'Molotov' is more than a book; it's a conceptual manifesto, a catalyst for change in a world where the sleep of reason too often births monsters of inequality and exploitation.

Book contains screen-printed fabric, a sticker and instructions to assamble your own molotov cocktail.

Errant Press, 2024

Errant Passport
Alan Sobrino

Errant Passport is a conceptual essay about borders. It is an official, non-official document that allows its readers free transit around the world.

The passport allows their carriers to choose their names, determine their sexuality, and states a single place of birth for all humans: planet earth. The Passport includes 16 Visas, each with a QR that links to different books and videos that inspired the piece as an invitation to a more critical and informed debate. 

Errant Press, 2023

Alan Sobrino

Matchbooks is a collection of 4 intense personal poems regarding the author’s relationship with fire. Each poem is contained in an individual matchbook, meant to be used as regular matches.

You can burn your house, light a candle or use the matches to read the book in a dark place.

The set consists of 4 bilingual matchbooks. Written, created, printed, hand-bound, and numbered by Alan Sobrino.

Errant Press, 2020

A book can also exist as an autonomous and self-sufficient form, including perhaps a text that emphasizes that form, a text that is an organic part of that form: here begins the new art of making books. (Ulises Carrion)

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